I hope no one is too crushed when I inform you that there aren't any Dinos in my pictures... or whores! I stole my post title from Elijah, my adorable nephew who calls all dinosaurs, dino-whores. It is my favorite. Sometimes I ask him questions about T-rex that I already know the answer to just so I can listen to his cute little voice as he tells me all about his beloved dino-whores! Someday he'll say that word perfectly, and I'll be a little sad... until then I'll love it & him!
We love the Dinosaur Park out in Alliante, but it was too hot for me to take pictures of Byron's 5 minute-at-a-time dino digs in the sand box! The too hot part of that last sentence is a little entertaining, because the high here is 68 lovely degrees tomorrow! :o) That said, it was lovely to watch the children run amuck at the splash pad there. One crocodile was even so kind as to spit a large amount of water on the back of my pants while I took pictures... I just wish he'd done it earlier, it was cool! Here are some fun photos of our day at the Dino-whore Park!

Taryn would not commit to getting her hair wet... funny girl! I guess I understand, we did spend 42.5 minutes getting her to look that good in the morning. Who wants to waste that kind of hair-do dedication?

On the other hand... or should I say foot? Josie was totally dedicated to getting her feet wet. She had a lot of fun jumping in puddles, and doing this!

I think the little boy running through this shot is too adorable! Taryn is thinking, "I think I'm touching the water! Am I touching the water? I'm not sure... what am I trying to do here again?"
Like I said... funny girl!

This is my favorite shot of the day... quite possibly one of my all time favorite shots! I love the action I caught and Kaitlyn's expression. That girl was even more hard-core than Byron in her commitment to the splash! Too cute and made for a fabulous photo!

Chelsa is such a gorgeous, hot mama and Griff is such a handsome little guy! He is getting so stinking big! Love her hat!

I LOVE these 3 munchkins! This is the spitting crocodile being questioned in the wetting of my pants! Ummm, that didn't come out right!?! ;o)

Josie loved the crocodiles with the same passion that Eli loves his dino-whores! She did however prefer them when they weren't spitting.

Taryn too! What a gorgeous cheeser this girl has on her!
How fun is that park!! You should see the baby dino's coming out of their eggs, and the enormous Triceratops head! Fun to be had by all!