Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So here are our top three fun activities of the weekend! We usually don't get weekends packed with so much fun! But this one sure was!

3. The Gilcrease Orchards. I didn't believe that an orchard could exist in the lush, green city of Las Vegas, but alas it is true! They even have a vegetable garden and a pumpkin patch (unfortunately that didn't open until Oct. 1st).

Taryn on Steve's back, Byron and me walking down the empty apple aisle!

Byron couldn't believe so many pears grew on one tree!

Taryn wanted to get a pear out of my bag to eat right now!

Hunting under all the huge leaves for zucchini.

"Can you believe how big this zucchini is mom?"

We had a lot of fun at the orchards with the Garber family! We should go earlier in the year next summer. I guess the peaches are ready for picking in July. And that means that we should go earlier in the day too! Saturday was a warm day for September.

2. Mater. From the movie "Cars". We had the joyous, exciting, amazing opportunity to see him at the Henderson Auto Show! Byron said, "See mom, I told you he was real!" And he was impressive. I have to give some love to whoever restored this truck to it's original 'Mater Glory'. You made our day! My personal favorite was a delicious funnel cake. The boys go to the car show for the cars, I go for the food!

Byron with the world's most beloved tow truck!

1. A visit from Grandma Kathy and swimming with her at the Bellagio pool! Byron summed it up in one word, "Awesome!" Taryn had a great time too, she loved 'jumping' in the pool while holding on to my thumbs, then she would turn right around and climb up the steps to do it all over again! She did it at least 25 times! It was so much fun to see Grandma and visit with her!

The 'wave' from Byron, Steve, and Grandma Kathy is holding Taryn!

Another shot, we thought Taryn deserved to show her cute little mug!
The shade helped this time!

I have no idea what Byron is doing, but thought this picture was very funny!
Taryn loved Grandma's visor and her friend Bonnie's hat too!

We are so happy that Grandma came for a visit, and even happier that it won't be long before we get to see her again! Grandma & Grandpa are coming out for Christmas! 

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Who Let the Taryn Out? Who? Who? Who?

I love those dimples!

So I hope you heard the music in your head! Evelyn is over for the day, and she has been singing it ever since I did. This may be a fact about me that you do not, or may never want to know (at least not in person) about me. I make up random, silly songs about my children, or anything really to popular, or not so popular tunes! The song of today's title being of course "Who Let the Dogs Out?" So what led to my query you may ask.

We arrived home from the water park at 12:30. Ate a delicious lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches (gouda on home made bread, I might be bragging here) and grapes. Taryn was tucked into her bed at 1:15. I came down stairs, ignored the two cuties in the front room and finished my sandwich while reading some blogs. To my utter astonishment at 1:32 I hear Taryn laughing. Byron and Evelyn are still playing happily in the front room. Lucky is upstairs. Taryn is getting ready to head down the stairs when I get to her! Still giggling every time Lucky licks her face. 

She sees me coming and makes a mad dash to my room to get away. I make chase, more peals of laughter follow! When she is caught and tickled until breathless I scoop her up and head back to her room. On the way I make a quick stop to peer downstairs into the front room.

Mom: "Who opened Taryn's door?"

Byron: "I didn't do it." This line is well used.

Evelyn: "I didn't." (With a genuinely confused look on her face).

Then the singing/rapping begins. "Who let the Taryn out? Who, who, who?" And Taryn dances. I admit my curiosity is still piqued. Taryn can reach her door handle, but was unable to pull it down enough to unlatch her door when I just tested her. Besides I think that she would just keep shutting it, rather than understand to pull it in to her room.

We have had a sneaking suspicion for awhile now that our dog can open doors. Did Lucky take pity on the poor Taryn who was knocking on her door and yelling for rescue? I never saw Byron or Evelyn leave the front room (although they did not have my undivided attention). So can Lucky open doors? We have never caught her in the act. But I swear doors are open when I get home that I shut before I left. I have even taken to locking my bedroom door when I leave, because Lucky loves my bed. My bed is OFF LIMITS! So where was the dog hair coming from? Afternoon snoozes alone?

A true mystery!

Taryn can reach the door handle!?! She is getting so big!

These two are the best of friends. 
Taryn loves Lucky!

Lucky tickles Taryn with kisses. Can you hear her giggles?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Self Esteem!

On the way to church this morning:

Mom: "Byron what is your line for the primary program?"

Byron: "Uh, . . . Heavenly Father loves me!"

Mom: "Yes he does. But remember your line goes, 'I am thankful to be a beloved child of Heavenly Father.'"

Byron: "Oh yeah, the program. I had pizza at my practice the other night. What night was that?"

Mom: "It was Friday night." (Byron desperately wants to know every day of the week by name.) "Will you tell me your part now? You know it. You got tired of me asking you to repeat it this week."

Byron: "I am thankful to be a beloved child of Heavenly Father."

Mom: "Will you say it again?" (Byron repeats it two more times).

We arrive at church and duck into the bathroom to tuck in Byron's shirt and wet down his hair, dad forgot before he loaded the kids in the car. Byron walks up to his seat on the front row. After the sacrament he takes his seat right behind the wood stand to the left of the podium. His first move of the day, licking the top of the wood stand in front of him! He ate his tie. Made faces at one of Steve's deacon that he knows on the second row in the audience, and polished the wood his finger that he kept wetting down. It was entertaining to say the least. That said, he also sang way more words to the songs than I realized he knew, and the other half of the time he was pretty reverent. Then the time came for the CTR 4 class to go to the microphone and say their parts. Byron was closest and was to give his part first. So he waited at the microphone. When he was told it was his turn he turned and looked at audience for 20-30 seconds. Right before the primary president was about to give him a cue. . . 

Byron: (with all the confidence in the world) "Heavenly Father loves me because I am good."

So there it is, a beautiful example of pure, fresh, not yet crushed by the world SELF ESTEEM! Confidence at its best! I just love that little guy! Steve and I cracked up after he said his part. Steve leaned over and said, "where did he get that line from?" Only heaven knows that adorable boy's brain! 

Friday, September 19, 2008

Floods & High-waters!


(Not to mention he's worn the knees out!)

How does this happen? They fit one week and don't the next? Sad and happy all at the same time! My babies are growing up! My babies are growing up? The mixed-up emotions of a mother! I would consider developing a growth-stunting kool-aid concoction, but alas I don't want my son to be called a shrimp in 5th grade!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I just talked to my older sister, Kristin Baker, who lives in Houston, TX! Their power came back on at 3:00 a.m. CELEBRATION!!! It was so interesting to hear her take on Hurricane Ike. The storm was intense, but they got through it well. She said it has been amazing to watch the people in her neighborhood out helping strangers cut up trees. To see someone hop out of their car that first day after and chop up a tree to clear the road for not only themselves, but for all the travelers after. They had their frozen goods and some fridge goods at neighbors houses who had generators. Those who had freezers loaned out frozen jugs of ice when the individual ice supplies dwindled. Now that Kristin's power is on she is running load after load of laundry for a family of 12 in her ward, and squeezing hers in around it! She said that with her power back on she is so happy to be the one offering the services now! The majority of their ward is still without power! So the 'pay it forward' mentality rolls on in Texas! 

It is so interesting to me Kristin's perspective vs. the news! There is much to be said about perspective. The amazing thing is that how we want to see the world is all up to us! I have seen some other amazing examples of PERSPECTIVE as of late! I mentioned the daily scoop blog and Stephanie Waite's amazing perspective in a previous post and there is also the example of the Neilsen's who were in a plane crash. To read their stories see here, here and here. Warning, I've been a little sucked in myself! (I'm so proud I learned how to do that, the here, here thing :) I only share because seeing others examples of true perspective has helped me to keep it real! It is all about my choices! What I choose to see! Not to mention that Stephanie Neilsen's perspective was amazing before too!

ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE! That is my choice! That is what I choose to see!

Monday, September 15, 2008

I Got Skills!

So tonight Byron brought me a picture from his Thomas coloring book that he had colored, just for me! Steve noticed that his coloring has changed (aka. he stays inside the lines). 

Steve: "Byron, nice coloring. You're picture looks great."

Byron: "Yeah, I got color skills"

Mom & Dad: Giggles and snickers.

I suppose that ultimately Napoleon Dynamite started the talk of skills in our family! Somewhere along the line, Byron was introduced to skills! He has many skills. On other occasions he has been known to say:

"Yeah, I've got awesome puzzle skills."
"I have MAD skills!"
"I got cleaning skills."
"I have building skills, Star Wars skills, cooking skills."
"I've got MAD fighter skills and CRAZY shooter guy skills."

He is impressive, I must say! Byron does have many, many skills! He has skills at making his parents laugh. He has entertaining my little sister (and maybe even occasionally tormenting her) skills. He has very creative skills too. My favorite might be his stealth skills, when he gets too quiet for too long I know he is practicing those skills and I better go and check on what he is being so stealthy about! I love my skilled little man!

P.S. Red and blue are Byron's favorite colors!

Here is a very brief sampling of Byron's amazing photography skills! Or it could be titled Brettany (our very own celebrity couple in my family, little sis Brittany and her boy Brett!) from Byron's perspective!
Byron always knows how to get the best of everyone in his shots!

Like I said, the best!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Rainy Day!

I can't say that I love rainy days in Las Vegas, because they are so far apart that they don't feel like days. It is just a rainy day every once in awhile. When they arrive, oh how I love them, we all do! So this past Monday we got a great rain storm! Have you ever noticed in Vegas that people come out of their houses when it rains. In Denver people went in. But not here it is such a rare and beautiful thing we all come out! I see more of my neighbors during a good rain than I do in a month! Well out came the camera for some down pour fun! It was such a down pour that you couldn't really be outside in it for long, at least Byron didn't think so, and Taryn wasn't sure what to think! Here are some fun pictures!

Daddy laughing at Taryn's uncertainty.

I will give you a leg hug while you watch the rain!

Lucky, Byron and dad playing in the 'river' in our street!

"I'm getting too wet dad. Lets make a run for the house!"

The world's cutest pouty lip! Poppi would say, "a bird could land on that thing!"

The table top is Taryn's favorite perch outside. 
From there she can watch her brother play in the water and mud!

Byron enjoyed the 'lake' under our trampoline.
We haven't had a lake in our backyard for at least two years!

We love getting outdoors, and there is nothing like a rain storm to cool it off enough to make that fun! We even went to play at the park after the rain! We are anxiously awaiting the cooler weather!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Byron Here!

My mom doesn't think that I listen to her. Ok, sometimes she does have to tell me things 5-25 times before I do listen and do them. But I do listen to her! Today I proved it to her when I blessed the food.

Dear Heavenly Father
Please bless the food
We are thankful for the food
(Short interruption to tell my mom she should put her folded arms over her closed eyes)
Please help us to listen to our mom
To ask if we want a popsicle or a candy bar
And ask if we want to watch TV or play a game
And help us to clean up our mess
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

See, I told you I listen to her! I love her too, and I will ask for everything. Today. At least for the next two hours or until she tells me 'no'! My advice, "Listen to your mom, or she might send you to your room for 4 minutes. That is no fun and boring."

Love, Byron

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Learning Heaven's Lessons

I am writing this post because I just finished reading Megan Farnsworth's most recent posts. Her posts were about not being pregnant when you want to be, again! And they have also been taking foster/adoption classes at Child Haven. Her first post was the one that really struck a chord with me. 

Byron, 1 week old.

Byron flew into our lives right on cue! We had been married for three years when I finally convinced Steve that we would survive parenthood if we just jumped in with two feet, and now was the time. One or two weeks after our last pre-child hurrah, a trip to Australia, I discovered I was pregnant. On April Fool's Day, Steve thought I was making it up! The pregnancy, birth and life with a newborn were pretty smooth sailing. On November 30, 2003 Byron was born.

The following April Fool's Day I took another pregnancy test to Steve with the telling "pink" line. He didn't respond, so I thought he didn't buy it. Turns out he was in shock! My pink permanent marker did it's job! I should have kept the charade up, if only I'd known he was buying it. It is rare that I get a joke in on Steve. Instead I brought out the marker and confessed. It took him 3-5 minutes just to laugh. Well that is the comic relief for this post!

We moved to Las Vegas that June and I found out in July that I was pregnant again. I had that moment of sheer panic, because my baby wasn't even a year old! I couldn't have another one yet! It didn't take but a moment to calm down, and then become very excited! This was what I wanted, to be a mom and have a big family!  Because I was a little farther along and I was in a new city I went to my first midwife appointment when I was 14 weeks along. I heard the little heartbeat that day! I love that sound. Two weeks later I spotted, just a little. I called my midwife and she said it can be very normal. I made an appointment to see her after the weekend. That weekend we made a trip to Southern California with my family to see my sister and her family before they moved to Texas. This was late November. We returned home on Sunday, and that night I lost the baby. It was traumatic and difficult for me. I was 17 weeks along, 3 weeks shy of the half way mark. I was pretty sure I had felt the baby move already. We know it was a little boy.

It took a little while, but with much love and care from many I came around and we started trying to get pregnant again. The summer of 2005 I found out I was expecting again just after Girl's Camp. I was elated, but cautious. I made an appointment with my midwife and went in for an ultrasound. I thought I was 5-6 weeks along, but we could tell that something was wrong. The ultrasound was not normal. I was already spotting again. I miscarried within two weeks. My angel midwife, Kaye Bullock, had me come in both those weeks and was an immense support. This miscarriage was hard, but I had more mental preparation this time and recovered more quickly. We started trying again soon after for another baby. But now the pressure was on, because I was informed that once you have 3 miscarriages you get to undergo a series of tests. Who wants to deal with that? The third time had to be the charm. 

Month in and month out there just wasn't a third time. Frustration set in. I went and saw the doctor, an internist because I discovered I had a mild goiter (thyroid swelling). I knew from close family and friends that thyroid problems can mean hormone problems, not good news for having a baby. Well all my blood work came back perfect. Sometimes it takes blood work up to a year to register thyroid changes, I was told to come back in 6 months to a year. I panicked a little. "I don't have a year. My cute little Byron needs a sibling before he is 10. Let's get this show on the road." All the wonderful thoughts that flowed through my little brain and emotions that flowed through my little heart!

This is where sincere prayer, pleading prayer and priesthood blessings came in to play. I distinctly remember in one blessing that I was told that there was another child who would come to my home, but that child had a specific time and wouldn't come until then. Oh the relief, there is another child! And then the impatience. Is it this month Heavenly Father? No. This month? No. This played out for a bit. I asked all the questions. Why? When? What am I supposed to learn from all of this? 

I got my answers little by little in many different forms. I knew that there were things that needed to be right with my physical body. My answer to that prayer = Dr. Kevin Jenkins. He was my chiropractor (and in my ward), and I decided to try the more holistic route after I got the "wait 6 months to a year and then maybe we can help you" answer from my MD. I asked Dr. J if he knew of a D.O. or more holistic doctor who could help after explaining my dilemma. His answer to me was that he did homeopathy (which thanks to my aunts I was familiar with), and he had helped a couple of women with thyroid issues recently. I saw him regularly and things started to return to normal with me! I was elated! I was doing my part, so maybe Heavenly Father could make my child's time NOW!

Another answer to prayer was attending the Laurel's class one Sunday. I was the camp director, so I would attend Young Women's for a couple of months before camp to bond with the girls. None of the girl's on a ward level that year were laurels, but somehow I ended up attending anyway. Pam Pickett was teaching that Sunday. I don't even remember what her lesson was really on, Faith? Hope? Who knows. I just remember that she shared her struggles with having a second child. I don't know if she would want her story shared publicly, so I will just say that she got four more children. Her daughter was 7 when the second child was born. I remember crying and walking up to her after the class and saying, "I can't wait till Byron is 7".  (That would have been a 4 1/2 year wait at the time!) Pam simply said that she hoped it wasn't that long for me and that you have to remember to turn to the Lord and have faith in Him. His plan for us is better than our own. I so appreciated that Sunday.

It was then that I realized that the that more I pressed the more frustrated and down I got. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was trying to control the situation. Month after month I wanted to decide when my baby came and my decision was NEXT MONTH. Then it was just a pleading request, if it could be next month that would be really great. I remember saying in a prayer that Heavenly Father's will should be done, but I would really like that to mean that I got pregnant the next month. The light bulb went off when I realized what I had just said. I realized that I didn't even know how to really, honestly, deeply submit my will to Heavenly Father's. So that is what I prayed for instead. To learn to submit. Sweet and joyous were the prayers and experiences that followed, and I learned what that meant for me in my life and situation. My feelings changed. My prayers changed. I changed. In those sweet moments I realized I had a heart a little more like His! And it was because of Jesus Christ that it was possible. I had a heart more like his through him! It was liberating emotionally. The stress lifted. 4 to 6 months later I found that I was pregnant with Taryn. Through some continued help from Dr. J and Kaye things went smoothly and she arrived on July 17, 2007! She is my little miracle! I love her!

Taryn, the day of her birth!

I'm not sure why I'm posting this. In part to tell Megan of my heartache and journey. I do not suppose to assume that her journey or answer will be the same. All of our lessons are just that, ours. I remember having someone tell me a long time ago that if we all put our problems and blessings into paper lunch sacks and set them in the middle of the room, at the end of the day no matter how tempting someone else's blessing were we would pick our own bag. That is because we are the accumulative product of our experiences. And our experiences have brought us to this point in our lives. We are prepared for our problems, blessings, lessons, joys, trials and triumphs. I had some dark moments on this journey of mine, but there was also much joy and sunshine too during those years! Here I sit a year removed from the close of that particular lesson and journey. Taryn is 13 months and as cute as two bugs ears! I can look back and see so much more clearly. Walking that road was far more cloudy.

I write this post, because if it makes even one person feel more "normal" it is worth it. I know that I feel more normal when I know that I am not alone in my journey. I have come to realize that my TMI nature can be a blessing. I write this post because I have learned Charity through my journey for all others who will walk this path after me. I unconditionally love and understand those who have had a miscarriage or had infertility problems. That is just one of the gifts and lesson's that I received from Heaven on my journey. To Megan and others I simply say, "I love you. I'm sorry. I know. Have faith, no matter how slow, the answers always come."

As I finish up and in a way walked my road again through writing, I realize that unfortunately the lesson to submit didn't stick completely. Or maybe it just didn't cross over to all the areas in my life. I don't know exactly, but it is my blessings today to REMEMBER. Heavenly Father's path and plan for me is better than my own.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cinnamon Rolls and Cockroaches?

Yesterday morning we cooked up some of my mother's amazing cinnamon rolls for breakfast. For the special occasion I sat at the little table with Byron and Taryn. I was talking to Taryn and called her "sweet pea". Byron said, "and I'm your little bean, right?"
"Yep, your my little bean."
"And sometimes I am your little cockroach too, right?"
I quickly explained to Byron that he did not want to be my little cockroach, because I don't really like cockroaches. They are gross.
"Oh!" After 30 seconds of silence pass he then proceeds to give me amazing information. His little face lights up and he says, "mom, did you know that your sinuses are right under your eyes?" Poking me in the cheek he adds, "right here."
"Wow, I did know that my sinuses were right there, where did you learn that? Did dad tell you that?"
"No. I saw it on a TV commercial, and did you know that when you are sick little green guys run around in them and yell and dance and stuff?"
I just had to laugh! I didn't think they showed sinus commercials during morning cartoons? I'll have to see if Steve knows any more about this! Children are so funny. I'm always surprised by what they find amusing or what sticks and what doesn't.
I sure love my little Bean!

Byron is king of a  mountain at the Grand Canyon!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Summer Fun With The Texas Cousins!

On August 10th we got one of the true treats of our summer! The Baker family flew in from Houston, TX for their summer visit! We were determined to show them a good time. I pride myself on being the family pictorian (haha, I came up with that myself, nerdy I know :) Because of this I end up with ridiculous quantities of pictures. By ridiculous I literally mean hundreds!!! So here I will subject you to a very few of my favorites. A bit of a picture marathon!

We started off with a welcome back Party for Robert and Ashley on Monday night! Swimming and yummy food at the Ashworth's (parents). The kiddos were in heaven!

Ashley and Robert the adorable couple of honor!

On Tuesday Kristin and I took our five children to Town Square, a new mall with an outdoor park. Grandma Jean accompanied us and took us to lunch at the Claim Jumper! The children had a great time playing in the water and running around the park! Lunch was delicious and fun too. It was a great chance for me to visit with Kristin and Grandma Jean!

Five cute cousins on the caterpillar! Taryn is so cheesy, wonder where she gets that?

Derek, Byron and Shayla loved the maze! They ran around in there for quite awhile!

This is one of my favorite pictures! Six years apart and they adore each other!

The birthday couple Grandpa Jack & Grandma Jean!

Rock Band with Aunt Elyssa! Taryn ROCKS the drums and Byron loves to sing!

On Wednesday, Kristin and I loaded up our five children in Nonni's minivan for a little road trip to St. George, UT to visit more greats! First stop Grandma Bev's house! We had lunch when we arrived. The fun there included a raucous few rounds of the candy bar game, its just not a trip to Grandma Bev's without the candy bar game! The great grand children also got to help make white chocolate popcorn. And:

Derek and Byron enjoyed a couple matches of wrestling.

Playing a couple hands of Old Maid!

Grandma Bev and the five great grand children. Taryn, Byron, Shayla, Junior & Derek!

The girls! Shayla, Taryn and Katie!

Grandpa Dallin and my little family!

Thursday was Ashley's Birthday on August 14th, and Steve's is August 16th! So we had another party that night. Our friends the Slighting's brought a really fun blowup water slide for the kids! We had scone tacos, ice cream cake and more fun with the cousins!

Byron flying down the slide! Superman style!

Tyler, me and Taryn posing for a picture!

I had to throw this one in! The only thing better than a scone taco? 
A scone with butter and raspberry jam! What a cute face!

The birthday cuties! Happy Birthday Steve and Ashley!

This is just the first installment of pictures. I will post Visit Part II : The Family Reunion another time! I'm sure I would tear my hair out trying to arrange any more photos! I love my family and it is so much fun to hang out and spend time with them! Hope you enjoyed the photo marathon!