Friday, May 23, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

I have to be honest that Mother's Day hasn't been my favorite holiday the past two years.  That has nothing to do with being a mom and everything to do with being in charge of our Girl's Camp fundraiser, which is lei's and chocolate dipped strawberries for Mother's Day!  Fundraising is stressful!  That just doesn't lend to a restful or rejuvenating Mother's Day!  So that was my madness the week leading up to Mother's Day.  I thought way too much about flowers, berries and chocolate (they were very yummy by the way!)  It was all over the day before though!
Mother's Day itself was a good day!  Steve made waffles and we had breakfast together.  That was really fun.  Taryn can put away the waffles!  After church we had dinner over at my parents house, and more chocolate covered strawberries!  The boys did a pretty good job cooking for us!  We just helped a little.  Byron was very cute and wished me a happy mother's day at least five times.  He also let me know that he thinks I am beautiful on the inside and gorgeous on the outside!  I just love him, he is so funny!  Taryn was so much fun to hug and kiss on!
Here are a few more pictures of the reasons I love being a mom!

Taryn snuggling on her daddy while he was trying to take a nap!
 Taryn's got it all: bling on the go!  Check out her new skill!  
She is so close to walking on her own!
Who can resist this smile?  Not me, it makes my heart melt every time he flashes it at me!
Could there be a cuter mess than this?  No way!  
She loves oatmeal, and she loves eating it all by herself!
Byron put Taryn on the trampoline all by himself, and I do mean ALL by himself.  I am truly nervous about the sticky situation he may get the two of them into someday!  She wasn't so sure about it, but he cheesed pretty good for a few pics!  This one was my favorite!

I truly enjoy being a mother!  It is hard, frustrating, stressful and I love it.  It is also beautiful, joyful and rewarding.  Lots of moms have varied emotions about Mother's Day because it causes us to reflect on who we are as mothers.  I too reflected on that.  I do some things really well.  I am working on my patience and the tone/volume of my voice when I am frustrated.  I try to remember to stop and love on my babies and laugh with them.  I love bedtime.  Some nights I wish Byron wanted dad to put him to bed, but when I get in there I wouldn't give up that time for the world.  We usually read a couple of stories, and then I (sometimes we) sing two to four songs while I tickle Byron.  He loves tickles; on his legs, arms, back, everywhere.  He often points to his armpits and says, "tickle these spots mom, right here."  Then we get to snuggle for a minute.  When that minute is over Byron always wants just "one more minute mom."
Taryn is so fun at bedtime.  It has become her funny time.  She starts laughing as soon as you take her clothes off.  She too loves to be tickled, but she wants the belly laugh tickles.  She also loves to play "steal the binky".  She laughs and laughs when I steal the binky out of her mouth with my teeth and then give it back.  (I bite the hard plastic back of the binky).  As soon as I lay her down these nights she pulls the binky out and tries to give it to me.  Taryn is also the musical baby, so she loves to sing a goodnight song too.
I'm so grateful that children are so forgiving.  That really makes motherhood easier.  They are so willing to give you a hug and tell you that they love you 5 minutes after your voice was too loud and frustrated!  I have learned more in my 4.5 years as a mother than I learned in 10 years as a teacher of young children.  So many opportunities to be stretched and to grow!  So to all you mothers out there, do your best!  That is all you need to do!  Make this year better than last year and love those cuties!  To all the wonderful mothers I know, don't forget I think you are awesome!


Anonymous said...

Those pictures are great! Taryn is getting so big! It seems like just yesterday we were hanging out with you guys, but they're still growing up! Love you all tons! Look forward to seeing you again sometime!

. said...

You are a great mom and I am so happy that you have been a part of my girls' lives!!!

Kristin said...

I loved reading your blog just now. The pictures were great, as usual! I especially appreciated all your thoughts on motherhood. I concur with them. You're awesome! So glad you're my sis!

Darrell and Alissa said...

So glad you have updated lady! I'm so sorry to hear about Ashley's husband- we'll keep them inour prayers! Still doing Gril's Camp huh? I know the girl's love you though!

i said...

I love how Steve babysits...Just like my husband does! Love the messes and cute faces of your kids!