Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just Wondering . . .

Why the little baby counter I got on the side counts the time that has passed in weeks, and the time to go in days!!! Does this seem unfair to anyone else? I would like it to say, "MORE THAN HALF WAY THERE! WAY TO GO!" or "144 days down, only 19 weeks 3 days to go!' That sounds so much more impressive, doesn't it! Loves!


Darrell and Alissa said...

Congrats congrats congrats!! I agree with you about the baby counters- I wish there was a way to put cheering on when it changes to a knew week- that's a HUGE accomplishment for us and the baby right?!

. said...

It's amazing how 40 weeks can drag least we're in this together!

Steph said...

Hooray on the baby girl! So sorry Byron is so down. Derek and I had been talking too, we would love to double :)

Kristin said...

You've got an EXCELLENT point!