Why the little baby counter I got on the side counts the time that has passed in weeks, and the time to go in days!!! Does this seem unfair to anyone else? I would like it to say, "MORE THAN HALF WAY THERE! WAY TO GO!" or "144 days down, only 19 weeks 3 days to go!' That sounds so much more impressive, doesn't it! Loves!
Congrats congrats congrats!! I agree with you about the baby counters- I wish there was a way to put cheering on when it changes to a knew week- that's a HUGE accomplishment for us and the baby right?!
It's amazing how 40 weeks can drag on...at least we're in this together!
Hooray on the baby girl! So sorry Byron is so down. Derek and I had been talking too, we would love to double :)
You've got an EXCELLENT point!
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